In English
The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired.
The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired (SRF) is a non-profit interest organization for and of people with visual impairments. SRF is a party political and religious independent organization that dissociates itself from all forms of discrimination and is characterized by openness and democracy. All members can make their voices heard and all points of view are welcome.
We have formed SRF based on the idea of equal value for all people and to jointly assert the right of people with visual impairment to participation and equality in all areas. We also want to create a social community and support each other, so that we can live an active and independent life.
Decision makers (people with voting rights) in the organisation are members with visual impairments and parents to children with visual impairments. SRF also have supportive members (persons without voting rights).
SRF was established in 1889 under the name The association of the blind) and was reorganized in 1976 into The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired).
SRF is an association with a three-level organization, with the national headquarter in Stockholm, over 20 regional branches and approximately 130 local branches. National branch associations of persons with visual impairment can also join the national federation.
The following 11 Swedish branch associations are affiliated to SRF; LHON Eye Society, The Swedish RP Association, the association of visually impaired artists and handicraft artists, The Swedish Spielmeyer-Vogt association, Eastern-and Central Europeans with visual impairment, The Swedish Chess Federation of Visually Impaired, Visually Impaired Kurds in Sweden, yachtsmen with visual impairment, (SMS), Aniridi Sweden, Association of Arabic-speaking people with visual impairment in Sweden and Association of Persian-speaking people with visual impairment in Sweden.
The organizing council, and the congress, are the national federations highest decision-making bodies. The organizing council annually reviews the work of the federal board. The congress is held every third year. Between congresses, the federal board is responsible to the members for the activities.
The regional and the local branches highest decision-making body is the annual member meeting. SRF currently has approximately 11 500 members, of which approximately 8 500 are people with visual impairment.
We publish several magazines and a lot of information material about visual impairment and the issues we pursue.
We have statues, a principle program “Our world and vision: the power over our lives”, an ethical program and a vision of equality adopted by the congress. The long-term budget is determined by the congress, which also elects the board, review committees, auditors and the nomination committee.